Each day your factory could be leaking money. It’s not just you. How much is going out the door?
We can help you look at your factory with new eyes.
In a Garment Factory you are not making money unless the needles are going up and down - the faster the better as long as quality is maintained. Your factory floor is the key engine that drives your teams, your mission and your profits.
We can get your production lines running efficiently.
You won’t be the first factory owner to find out they are paying people to walk.
We can help you look at your production process and see what movements are unnecessary. Once you fix it you will say “Why didn’t we think of that before!”
How do raw materials arrive and flow through your factory? We can help you find ways to reduce waste.
* You know your factory could do better
* Your future depends on getting it right
* Making a change will make a difference to your life
... turn your Factory Around.
... change the way you run your factory for success.
... realize the true potential of your garment factory.
We are happy to chat about the challenges and problems you are facing. Use the form below to get in touch and we will see how we can help you.